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Tarot Candles

Tarot Candles

The Tarot Candle unites three essentials of an illuminating tarot experience: a unique tarot illustration by Sophy Hollington, your reading, and a beautifully scented candle. Each scent is crafted to match the specific tarot you receive. All will be revealed within.

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8 products


Tarot Candle - The MagicianTarot Candle - The Magician
Tarot Candle - DeathTarot Candle - Death
Tarot Candle - Death Sale price$40.00
Tarot Candle - The High PriestessTarot Candle - The High Priestess
Tarot Candle - The LoversTarot Candle - The Lovers
Tarot Candle - The Lovers Sale price$40.00
Tarot Candle - The HermitTarot Candle - The Hermit
Tarot Candle - The Hermit Sale price$40.00
Tarot Candle - The FoolTarot Candle - The Fool
Tarot Candle - The Fool Sale price$40.00
Tarot Candle - Mystery CardTarot Candle - Mystery Card
Save 20%Tarot Mystic Journey BundleTarot Mystic Journey Bundle
Tarot Mystic Journey Bundle Sale price$192.00 Regular price$240.00

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